MKMSGF # - 7 A K U _ i s } DiskCat.MSG IComment IVolume space (bytes) IVolume name IVolume count IError message for DISKCAT IInformation for DISKCAT IFile ISort ISort criteria IDelete volume IPrint all items IPrinter selection IExit IVolume space IEdit ICopy ICatalog IDrive A IDrive B IComment: ISearch Ivolume space: Ivolume name: IFile name IPrinter IOptions ISave position/size IChange path IHelp IHelp Index IAdvanced help IHelp for help IProduct information IDisk Catalog IV. 1.4 32bit IR. Falkner ICancel ILabel IEnter name: INeeded space: I(in Bytes) Iadditional search key: Ienter comment: ISearch Isearch key: ISort status IDelete volumes Ichoose volumes IPrinter port selection ILPT1 ILPT2 ILPT3 IEnter path: I(i.e. 'C:\DISKCAT') ISort criteria IFile list IFile name IHelp for Disk Catalog EHelp not available EWinRegisterClass EWinCreateStdWindow Edrive not ready Einitialization Iwas deleted Epath not found Ivolume has no label Ienter label? Iis already cataloged Eopen file IVolume Inot found! ISearch key IComment already cataloged IDelete comment? ISpace field does not contain a numeric value Isort? ISort Enot enough disk space Eprinter not ready Eplease choose printer Ewrite file Enot enough memory Eread file Iitems found Edisk write protected? Edrive not ready IDrive C IDrive D IDrive E IDrive F IDrive G IDrive H IDrive I IDrive J IDrive K IDrive L IDrive M IDrive N IDrive O IDrive P IDrive Q IDrive R IDrive S IDrive T IDrive U IDrive V IDrive W IDrive X IDrive Y IDrive Z Ichange volume label? Ichange or add comment? IVolume list IVolume is already cataloged. IRecatalog volume? IDelete file IDelete files IChoose files Iinsert volume into drive IPacked files IFile handling IShow filenames in IZIP-files ILZH-files IZOO-files IARC-files IFLS/RAM-files IEMT-files IARJ-files IHard disks I(comment) Ereading Audio CD ICD door open! Ino CD in drive ICD Title IInterpreter/Band: ICD Title: Ewrong OS/2 version ISort priority IAudio CD's IProcess priority Ihigh Imedium ICD track title IEnter title for track No. ICD is already cataloged. Irecatalog CD? IAudio CD list IAudio CD IDelete Audio CD's Ichoose Audio CD's EAudio CD IEject CD drive IPlay CD INext track IStop CD Iunknown CD Elimit of CD count reached! Elimit of volume count reached! Ino volume found Istart directory Ienter path: Ipath not found! IAudio title ISelect printer IJob properties INo printer queues defined IDevEscape (New Page) IDevEscape (End Doc.) IDevPostDeviceModes (NewDriverData) IPlease select printer queue IDevOpenDC (Printer) IGpiCreatePS (Printer) IDevEscape (Start Doc.) IDevEscape (New Page) IDevEscape (End Doc.) ICreate result messages IExport CD titles IAlbatros CD Player IImport CD titles IAlbatros CD Spieler ICD title import Ienter import filename ECD drive not ready! Enumber of directories more than MAX_DIR_COUNT Eit seems that it's not the correct CD IRegistration IReg.-name: IReg.-number: Eregistration data not correct Iplease register! Idrive contains wrong volume IABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Isearch filename Isearch comment Isearch audio CD title Isearch audio CD tracks INetwork drives Icould not open file IDosAllocMem Icatalog drive A Icatalog drive B Icatalog drive C Icatalog drive D Icatalog drive E Icatalog drive F Icatalog drive G Icatalog drive H Icatalog drive I Icatalog drive J Icatalog drive K Icatalog drive L Icatalog drive M Icatalog drive N Icatalog drive O Icatalog drive P Icatalog drive Q Icatalog drive R Icatalog drive S Icatalog drive T Icatalog drive U Icatalog drive V Icatalog drive W Icatalog drive X Icatalog drive Y Icatalog drive Z Idelete volume in catalog Iprint all disks Icopy into clipboard Iprint audio cd list Iplay audio cd Istop audio cd Inext audio cd title Iopen cd drive Icreate file list Isearch disk space Isearch volume name Isearch files Isearch comment Isearch audio cd's Isearch audio titles Igo back to disk list Inumber of total archived volumes Inumber of files current volume IVolume not saved! Volume has no serial no. or name! IListbox can not hold all files but all items will be saved! IListbox can not hold all files! Ishow hard drives Ishow cd drives Ishow diskette drives Ishow mo drives Ishow tape drives Ishow lan drives Ishow all files